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United States
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Last modified on 2024-04-25 03:46:45
The Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is a small state agency. We work in partnership with local governments, and state and federal agencies, to address the land use needs of the public, communities, regions, and the state. The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) provides policy direction for the land use planning program and oversees DLCD operations.
We help carry out the vision and legacy of [Senate Bill 100](https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/OP/Documents/sb100.pdf), which for 50 years has contributed to the quality and character of the natural and built environment of the state. 2023 marks the [50th anniversary of the Department of Land Conservation and Development](https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/OP/Pages/50-Years.aspx), the Land Conservation and Development Commission, and the signing of Senate Bill 100. The program has been charged by the Legislature with managing urban growth; protecting farm and forest lands, coastal areas, and natural resource lands; and providing for safe, livable communities in concert with the vision of the local communities.
The Department of Land Conservation and Development's mission is to help communities plan for, protect, and improve the built and natural systems that provide a high quality of life. In partnership with Oregonians and local governments, we foster sustainable and vibrant communities and protect our natural resources legacy.
DLCD's work is:
• Adaptive • Collaborative • Equitable • Holistic • Inclusive • Professional • Resourced • Service-focused • Stewardship-focused •
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