Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Type
Last modified on 2024-06-06 00:07:51
About the Foundation Otto P. Berdach, a resident of Jacksonville, Illinois for many years, was a generous man who cared greatly about the welfare of his fellow man. In his Last Will & Testament, Mr. Berdach expressed his generosity through the creation of the Otto P. Berdach Trust. Mr. Berdach’s expressed desire was that the trust funds be used to assist individuals in genuine need of financial assistance and for whom public welfare or assistance is inadequate or unavailable. At the time of his death he resided in the county of Los Angeles, California. Mission To support organizations that assist individuals in genuine need of financial assistance and for whom public welfare or assistance is either inadequate or unavailable.
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Mission: To support organizations that assist individuals in genuine need of financial assistance...
Added on 2016-09-19T05:04:03Z
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