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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Research Project
Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement
Last modified on 2023-12-28 04:00:54
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a different kind of national lab. PNNL advances the frontiers of knowledge, taking on some of the world’s greatest science and technology challenges. Distinctive strengths in chemistry, Earth sciences, biology, and data science are central to our scientific discovery mission. Our research lays a foundation for innovations that advance sustainable energy through decarbonization and energy storage and enhance national security through nuclear materials and threat analyses. PNNL collaborates with academia in fundamental research and with industry to transition technologies to market.
We are a national lab with Pacific Northwest roots and global reach. Whether our researchers are unlocking the mysteries of Earth’s climate, helping modernize the U.S. electric power grid, or safeguarding ports around the world from nuclear smuggling, we accept great challenges for one purpose: to create a world that is safer, cleaner, more prosperous, and more secure.
Let us show you what happens when great minds meet great challenges.
Sponsor Relationship
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