Sponsor Type
Grant Type
Research Project
Last modified on 2025-02-28 09:20:33
Our [organisational arrangement (PDF, 149 KB)](https://www.dcssds.qld.gov.au/_media/documents/about-us/department/ses-org-chart.pdf) positions us to provide responsive, tailored and respectful services to Queenslanders.
It also helps to ensure we deliver the right services to support children, young people, families, seniors, carers and people with disability to be safe, empowered in their communities and thrive socially and economically.
The divisions of our department include:
- Service Delivery - Child Safety
- Service Delivery - Disability Services
- Strategy
- Office of the Chief Practitioner
- Commissioning
- Corporate Services
- Reform Implementation Office.
Sponsor Relationship
Queensland Government - Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services is a part of:
No sponsors in our database are part of Queensland Government - Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services.
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