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Equipment/Facility/Organization Other
 Contact Info
1800 623 946
GPO Box 211, BRISBANE??QLD??4001
Last modified on 2024-06-23 19:57:34
QRIDA’s purpose is to foster productive and sustainable regions and rural communities. QRIDA's four strategic plan objectives As a statutory body established under the?Rural and Regional Adjustment Act 1994, QRIDA provides administrative services on behalf of the Australian and Queensland Governments. Through the programs we administer, we are supporting our vision of a thriving and financially resilient Queensland. We will respect, protect and promote human rights in our decision-making and actions. QRIDA is guided by the four objectives of our strategic plan: Partnerships - Value-creating relationships that are strategic, trusted and collaborative to support our customers, stakeholders or the community. Structure - A viable business-model that stands ready for both planned and emergent requirements. People - A flexible workforce built on a culture that attracts and grows capable people who are drawn to deliver a valued customer and employee experience. Delivery - A business architecture that continuously improves while managing risks and governing with integrity. These objectives help us to administer timely financial assistance to foster productive and sustainable regions and rural communities.
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