Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Travel Other
 Contact Info
60 5th Ave 8th Floor New York, NY 10011
Last modified on 2024-05-29 05:01:55
The Remarque Institute The Remarque Institute supports the multi-disciplinary and comparative study of Europe and its near neighbors. The Institute brings together researchers at all stages of their careers through its various events. It also runs a competitive program of fellowships for visiting scholars who wish to come to New York, and a competitive fellowship program that enables members of the NYU community to spend time at the [École Normale Supérieure](http://www.ens.fr/). The Remarque Institute is particularly committed to the support of emerging scholars – those finishing their PhDs or recently out of graduate school. To this end, the Institute hosts an ongoing workshop series for students working on their dissertations; regularly convenes the [Kandersteg Seminar](https://as.nyu.edu/nyu-as/as/research-centers/remarque/events/the-kandersteg-seminar.html), a by-nomination-only event that brings together young international scholars for an extended informal conversation around a defined topic or theme; and enables NYU and Remarque-affiliated doctoral students to spend up to a semester conducting research in Paris. The Remarque Institute is also committed to the support of scholars and writers working under political and economic duress. Its Visiting Fellows Program is particularly interested in applications from individuals whose work will be significantly enabled by a period of residency at the Institute, and by access to the bibliographic and technological resources of NYU. The Remarque Institute is also a longstanding participant in the [Scholars at Risk Network](http://scholarsatrisk.nyu.edu/) and regularly hosts dissidents and others whose ability to work in their home countries is severely compromised. The Remarque Institute has as its third core goal to support the community of scholars and students at NYU whose research connects to the study of Europe, writ large, through conferences, seminars, and other events organized by them or with their interests and expertise in mind. Remarque also supports NYU faculty and doctoral students who wish to spend periods of up to one semester conducting research in Paris through its Fellowships at the École Normale Supérieure.
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