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Last modified on 2024-06-10 21:52:49
Mission To establish and support the “Robert Sydney Needham Memorial Scholarship” programs at New Jersey colleges and universities. About the Foundation The Robert Sydney Needham Foundation was established by Doris Edwards Needham, of Verona, New Jersey, at her death on October 14, 2008 in memory of her son, Robert Sydney Needham. The Foundation provides grants to New Jersey colleges and universities to establish and support the “Robert Sydney Needham Memorial Scholarship.” Robert Sydney Needham graduated magna cum laude from Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Rutherford Campus in 1964 with a BS in Accounting. He was on the Dean’s list and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. He became a Certified Public Accountant and was employed by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. in Newark, New Jersey, before entering the banking field. Mr. Needham was serving as Vice President and general auditor of Berkeley Federal Savings in Millburn, New Jersey at the time of his death in 1988.
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**About the Foundation** The Robert Sydney Needham Foundation was established by Doris Edwards...
Added on 2016-09-19T05:13:37Z
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