Sponsor Type
United States
 Contact Info
385 N. Arrowhead Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92415
Last modified on 2024-09-25 04:07:59
San Bernardino County is a diverse public service organization serving America’s largest county. We are governed by an elected Board of Supervisors and dedicated to creating a community where nearly 2.2 million residents can prosper and achieve well-being as outlined in the [Countywide Vision](https://cao-vision.sbcounty.gov/). It is comprised of 42 departments and agencies, which are staffed by more than 25,000 public service professionals who provide a wide range of vital services in the areas of public safety, health care, social services, economic and community development and revitalization, fiscal services, infrastructure, recreation and culture, and internal support. San Bernardino County’s organizational culture is defined by the four pillars of value, innovation, service, and vision.
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