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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Research Project Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement Equipment/Facility/Organization
 Contact Info
(301) 903-5707
(301) 903-5488
SC-29/Germantown Building, 1000 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20585
Last modified on 2024-12-04 08:14:33
The SBIR and STTR programs are U. S. Government programs, intended to help certain small businesses conduct R&D. At DOE, funding takes the form of grants. Projects must have the potential for commercialization and meet specific DOE mission-specific R&D needs. The SBIR/STTR Programs Office works collaboratively with 13 program offices throughout the DOE. Each DOE program office considers its high priority research needs and program mission, as well as the Department’s goals for the program in developing research topics. The specific research topics selected for the SBIR and STTR programs are developed by DOE technical program managers. DOE offers more than sixty technical topics and 250 subtopics, spanning research areas that support the DOE mission in Energy Production, Energy Use, Fundamental Energy Sciences, Environmental Management, and Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation.
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
This SBIR/STTR topics document is issued in advance of the FY 2025 DOE SBIR/STTR Phase I Release...
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Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0003417 **PROGRAM AREA OVERVIEW: OFFICE OF ADVANCED...
Added on 2023-07-10T22:55:13Z
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Number: DE-FOA-0003462 A. Purpose The DOE SC program in...
Added on 2021-11-01T04:06:59Z
NOFO Title FY2025 Phase II Release 1 NOFO Number DE-FOA-0003462 Announcement Type...
Added on 2018-12-24T21:43:51Z
Deadline Approaching Grants
No grants from this sponsor have deadline within a month period.