Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Research Project
Last modified on 2024-11-28 18:42:52
About us
[UC Davis Health](https://health.ucdavis.edu/welcome/) is improving lives and transforming health care by providing excellent patient care, conducting groundbreaking research, fostering innovative, interprofessional education, and creating dynamic, productive partnerships with the community.
UC Davis Health is a major driver of economic prosperity for both the Sacramento region and California. According to [a study](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/new-report-uc-davis-annual-economic-impact-more-than-125b-statewide/2022/11 "economic impact report news release") of pre-pandemic data, in 2019 UC Davis Health expenditures led to a total economic impact of $4.60 billion for the seven-county local region – an additional $1.08 for every dollar UC Davis Health spent. UC Davis Health had 11,600 employees in the region, and economic activity generated indirectly and by their spending supported an additional 14,600 jobs. The report also calculates UC Davis Health’s statewide economic and employment impacts.
Nationally ranked
At UC Davis Health, we harness the power of an entire university’s [nationally-ranked](https://www.ucdavis.edu/about/rankings "rankings page") resources and [research](https://health.ucdavis.edu/research/ "research page") to tackle the most pressing health care issues facing the world today.
Based in Sacramento, California, our academic health system is home to a nationally ranked [medical center](https://health.ucdavis.edu/discovering-healthy/recognitions/ "medical center national rankings page"), [School of Medicine](https://health.ucdavis.edu/medschool/aboutus/index.html "School of Medicine about us page") and [School of Nursing](https://health.ucdavis.edu/nursing/about_us/index.html "School of Nursing about us page").
We also partner with colleagues in the nation’s best [School of Veterinary Medicine](https://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/about-us "School of Veterinary Medicine about us page"), the nation’s best [Schools of Agriculture](https://caes.ucdavis.edu/about "School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences"), one of the nation’s best [Colleges of Biological Sciences](https://biology.ucdavis.edu/ "College of Biological Sciences") and one of the nation’s best [Colleges of Engineering](http://engineering.ucdavis.edu/about/facts-college/ "College of Engineering") – all from within one of the [“Best Public Universities”](https://www.ucdavis.edu/about "facts page") in the U.S.
Discovering and sharing knowledge
As the region’s only academic health center, UC Davis Health is a hub of innovation that’s focused on discovering and sharing knowledge while providing the highest quality of care. Our organization includes the UC Davis Medical Center, the UC Davis School of Medicine, the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis, and the UC Davis Medical Group. Read more about these entities below.
Our mission
Grounded in equity, we provide unparalleled care across California, transforming lives and communities. Our teams research and develop trailblazing therapies and technologies, educate and prepare a future-ready workforce, and drive excellence into all we do.
Tomorrow’s Health Care Today.
Our vision
Kindness, Trust, Inclusion.
Our values
Patients are at the center of everything we do.
Our patient promise
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