Sponsor Type
United States
 Contact Info
(815) 544-3144
(815) 547-6422
220 West Locust Street, Belvidere, IL 61008
Last modified on 2023-09-08 01:12:32
**DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION STATEMENT** United Way of Boone County believes in fairness and equality and recognizes the value of inclusiveness by encouraging the full participation of all individuals in fulfilling its mission of helping to sustain vital human services for those who need help most while reducing such needs for future generations. United Way of Boone County recognizes the strength of diversity which acknowledges and celebrates a society of different individuals, cultures and perspectives whose knowledge, skills and talents enrich and strengthen us as a people. United Way of Boone County believes in and practices equal opportunity in its operations, community engagement, employment and decision-making and encourages inclusion of diverse members of our community. **COMMITMENT TO ANTI-RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION** As an organization we stand against racism and discrimination in all forms as they undermine respect for individuals and the well-being and vitality of our communities. We strive to engage all community members, especially those whose voices have historically been marginalized. We will work with residents and public and private partners to co-create solutions that ensure everyone has the resources, supports, opportunities and networks they need to thrive with a hope of creating more equitable communities. ***When none are ignored, all will thrive.***
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