Sponsor Type
United States
Last modified on 2024-10-25 08:19:35
**Ours is a history of facing our community’s greatest challenges head on.**
Since our founding in 1943, whatever the challenge, we bring people together around the table to listen, to learn, to understand and to problem-solve. The United Way is the ultimate community table.
In the 1940s, the United Way helped feed, clothe, and house the children of local families separated by the call of duty to serve in WWII, whether a father was destined for the Pacific or the desecrated lands of Europe, or a mother headed to San Diego to serve as a wartime mechanic.
During Jim Crow, our United Way made it a priority to help families facing economic and social tyranny. The United Way served low-income working families from Ridge Street—most of whom were African-American—providing healthcare, early education, and child care. The United Way also donated the property for the Janie Porter Day Nursery (now the Barrett Early Learning Center).
In the 1980’s, scientists identified a new disease, AIDS. United Way took a stand to counter misinformation and fear and helped create the fabric of services and public education in our community to ensure healthcare and social understanding for people living with HIV and AIDS.
**And today, our approach is no different.**
The summer and fall of 2017 was a stressful, fearful time for Charlottesville. Following the unimaginable events of May and August, our organization redoubled its efforts to serve our community as we always have done: bringing people together to build new relationships. The United Way gathered a host committee of African-American pastors, leaders of the synagogue and mosque, community leaders, our Board members, and staff. Together, on October 15 we welcomed about 700 people to A Community Table at the Jefferson School City Center.
It feels like an understatement to say that the event exceeded all expectations—not only the robust attendance itself—but, more importantly, the spirit, earnestness, and humanity that pervaded the atmosphere. Participants embraced our simple ask that they meet someone new and share a conversation over a meal.
We believe A Community Table captures the spirit and intention of the United Way itself by giving people in our community the power to come together around a table and build common ground. This is but one community table—and there will be more. Getting to know one another can lead to greater awareness and understanding, build trust and new relationships, and result in a stronger community. And this begins with,”hello.”
United Way of Greater Charlottesville connects our community, enabling individuals and families to achieve their potential.
A strong, equitable community where every person can thrive.
*We approach our work humbly and with respect.*
*We honor and see the dignity in* *our fellow community members.*
*We are committed to promoting equity internally and through our public-facing programs.*
*We speak up for the voiceless so that they* *may* *speak for themselves.*
*Regardless of the challenge or cost, we aim to do what is right.*
*We work with community members, non-profits, and corporate partners to build more vibrant communities*
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