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Sponsor Type
United States
Last modified on 2023-10-25 08:26:00
United Way of Onslow County is a locally based organization dedicated to strengthening lives, helping people, and improving community conditions in our local community. We convene and collaborate with partners from across the community - nonprofits, government, business, volunteers - to create opportunities for a better life for Onslow County's most vulnerable residents. We support community programs and initiatives that help those in need and also prevent problems from happening in the first place.
Investing in Our Community:
United Way works to ensure critical, health and human services are available to people in our community through Community Investment Grants to local partner agencies. In addition, we provide special initiative and emergency funding to multiple other projects and programs throughout Onslow County.
United Way is more than just funding. Through its constant contact with agencies in the community, United Way can identify emerging needs and bring the right people to the table to find solutions and create impact. This is best represented by our diverse and representative board of directors who govern and provide oversight for the organization.
United Way carefully evaluates partner agencies when they apply for a Community Investment Grant, during mid-year and year-end reports, and quarterly financial statement review. Community volunteers monitor and review agencies to make sure our dollars are being used to make lasting changes in the community.
Collaborative Partner:
United Way is at the table when there is a community issue that needs to be addressed. We work with other funders, agencies and community leaders to help solve problems.
Sponsor Relationship
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