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Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Type
 Contact Info
William R. Willard Medical Education Building, MN 150, Lexington KY, USA 40536-0298
Last modified on 2024-07-06 09:22:51
**Mission** The College of Medicine promotes a diverse and inclusive environment that provides excellence in education, equitable health care, and transformative research to improve the health and wellness of Kentuckians and beyond. **Vision** The UK College of Medicine is a national leader in solving the challenges in health care through transdisciplinary and transformational research, education, and advanced clinical care. **Values** - **Diversity** - We welcome and embrace diversity as it positively impacts all functional areas of the college. - **Innovation** - We will use creative initiatives to produce tangible outcomes in college processes and actions resulting in a critical mass of students, faculty, and executives. - **Respect** - We will encourage personal and group differences and use them to provide optimal solutions to health care disparities and to foster social justice in the educational and work environments. - **Compassion** - We will practice self-reflection and be empathetic to the thoughts, needs, and feelings of others. - **Teamwork** - We will foster a climate of partnership and collaboration to create positive outcomes for all those engaged in teaching and learning.
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