Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Fellowship/Scholarship/Dissertation Research Project Travel Workshop/Conference Post-doctoral Equipment/Facility/Organization
 Contact Info
311 Main Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0032
Last modified on 2024-10-26 22:45:11
Our Mission University of Kentucky Research The University of Kentucky supports and empowers innovative research in all forms practiced across our diverse campus, varied disciplines and more than 70 centers and institutes. UK faculty, staff and student researchers create, discover and apply new knowledge, and explore the most complex problems facing Kentucky, the nation and the world. Our collaborative, cross-disciplinary research environment provides a rich training ground for the next generation of thinkers, creators and leaders. Research and development at UK has a direct economic impact on Kentucky. The $476.5 million UK spent on R&D in FY22 generated $873 million in economic activity across Kentucky. As a result, 4,636 jobs were supported throughout the state of Kentucky, with 2,227 (48%) of those jobs directly supported by research initiatives.
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
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Deadline Approaching Grants
****What is UKinSPIRE?**** UKinSPIRE (Seeding Partnerships for International Research...
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**Conference and Workshop Grants** In an effort to encourage the University of Kentucky (and...
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