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Last modified on 2024-07-19 09:38:37
Serving North Carolina, Changing the World The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the 12th largest research university in the United States, ranking 11th in the nation for federal research expenditures. More than 150 Carolina faculty are members of the National Academies and other prestigious learned societies. A highly collaborative culture among researchers of all disciplines drives our $1.36 billion in annual research activity. Supporting Research, Guiding Discovery and Translation The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research oversees, develops and supports UNC Research, Carolina’s research enterprise. The office sets strategic priorities for research, manages proposals and awards, provides research infrastructure, identifies funding opportunities, develops research teams and partnerships, and oversees regulatory compliance, science and security, and ethics. OVCR Research Centers and Institutes A thriving research center or institute is a powerful force for new ideas and beneficial change. At UNC-Chapel Hill, these units work on some of the biggest, most pressing societal issues through cross-disciplinary collaboration. Faculty members affiliated with research centers and institutes typically retain their appointments in discipline-based departments, continuing to teach students and mentor graduate students. The ability of research centers and institutes to address real-world problems in a comprehensive manner attracts external funding and helps North Carolina compete for economic development opportunities.
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Added on 2020-06-01T04:15:43Z
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