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08-783 53 00
08-661 19 64
Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 31, SE-115 89 Stockholm
Last modified on 2024-06-19 01:50:13
Relations between the United States and Sweden are built on a shared heritage that dates back to 1638 when the first Swedish immigrants arrived on the shores of Delaware. Sweden was one of the first countries to recognize U.S. independence in 1783 and the two countries have maintained a strong bilateral friendship since then, based on shared values and mutual interests. Sweden is an Enhanced Opportunities Partner (EOP) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and plays an active leadership role on the international stage, from its long-term investment in Afghanistan to its role as a global peacemaker. Sweden is also a member of the Counter-ISIL Coalition and participates in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). Sweden’s commitment to promoting global democracy, human rights, gender equality, and international development and sustainability makes it a respected moral leader in international affairs. The United States has collaborated with Sweden to strengthen Internet freedom in countries emerging from oppressive and autocratic regimes to more effectively promote and protect freedom of expression. The United States also works closely with Sweden to combat corruption and support sustainable economic and human rights-based political development around the world. Sweden is one of the world’s largest humanitarian aid donors and gives approximately one percentage of its Gross National Product annually. Over the past several years Sweden has become one of USAID’s most important bilateral partners, particularly in exploring a number of innovative approaches to engage development actors and seek creative approaches to the world’s development challenges.
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Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
**Funding Opportunity Number:** PDS-SWEDEN-2024-01 The U.S. Mission Sweden Public Diplomacy...
Added on 2023-11-07T12:18:14Z
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