Other Name
Sponsor Type
United States
Grant Types
Research Project
Collaboration/Cooperative Agreement
Last modified on 2024-10-24 03:44:29
The Washington State Department of Commerce’s mission is to strengthen communities in Washington. We are the lead state agency charged with enhancing and promoting sustainable community and economic vitality in Washington. We administer a diverse portfolio of more than 100 programs and several state boards and commissions, all focused on helping communities achieve positive growth.
Our key customers include businesses, local governments, tribes and community-based organizations. We also play the crucial role of convening numerous local, state, regional and federal partners and stakeholders, both public and private. Together we work to support the Governor’s priorities and achieve shared goals and objectives for the people of Washington.
In support of our role, we provide access to:
- Funding for communities
- Data and resources
- Boards, commissions and councils
Sponsor Relationship
Washington State Department of Commerce is a part of:
The following sponsors are parts of Washington State Department of Commerce:
Most Recent Grants from This Sponsor
All Continuum of Care Program grantees, partners, and interested parties in the 34 counties of...
The Washington Department of Commerce, hereafter called...
The Clean Buildings Performance Grants program offers competitive funding for energy efficiency...
BEAD funds focus on the approved NTIA approved [BEAD Initial Proposal Volume...
Deadline Approaching Grants
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CERB provides low-interest loan/grant packages to local governments and federally recognized...
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CERB provides limited grant funding for studies to evaluate high-priority economic development...