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Updated November 2023

How Can I Find Relevant Sponsors for My Research?

If you are looking for relevant sponsors to get more grant opportunities for your research, GrantForward provides

a Sponsor Directory for you to search for new grant sponsors. For example, if you are looking for sponsors for

environmental concerns, in foundation space, then you can follow the steps below.

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1. Go to the GrantForward Sponsor Directory

View the Sponsor Directory by going to the Sponsors > Search Sponsors tab.

2. Search by keywords

You can search by using keywords that a relevant sponsor should have in its name. E.g., we may search sponsors

whose names mention the keyword “environmental”.

3. Search or browse by sponsor name

If you know the sponsor’s name, you can search for it by entering the name. You can also browse sponsors by

their names alphabetically, e.g., to view sponsor names beginning with a specific letter “N”.

4. Filter by sponsor type

If you are interested in sponsors of certain types-- Federal/State, Foundation, Corporate, Academic, International,

or Other-- you can filter them accordingly. For example, we can select the “Foundation” type to include sponsors

that are private foundations. You can also exclude a type.

5. View sponsor details and its current grants

Once you have found a sponsor that you are interested in, you can view its information details and most recent

grants from that sponsor by clicking on its title to access the sponsor detail page.

After targeting appropriate sponsors, you can start searching for grants from a specific sponsor or monitor new

grants from your favorite sponsors.