Christopher Vanags

Profile Picture of Christopher Vanags
Director and Research Assistant Professor
Peabody College of Education
Vanderbilt University


  • PhD, Hydrology and Catchment Management, University of Sydney
  • MS, Soil Science, University of Georgia
  • BS, Geology, University of Georgia

Research Interests

Soil Science Education   Modular Approach   Computer Science Education  

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List of Publications (16)
In 2022

Naseri, M.Y. and Snyder, C. and McLoughlin, B. and Bhandari, S. and Aryal, N. and Biswas, G. and Henrick, E. and Hotchkiss, E.R. and Jha, M.K. and Jiang, S. and Kern, E. and Lohani, V.K. and Marston, L.T. and Vanags, C. and Xia, K. "A modular approach for integrating data science concepts into multiple undergraduate STEM+C courses" (2022)

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In 2021

Snyder, C. and Asamen, D.M. and Naseri, M.Y. and Aryal, N. and Biswas, G. and Dubey, A. and Henrick, E. and Hotchkiss, E.R. and Jha, M.K. and Jiang, S.X. and Kern, E.C. and Lohani, V.K. and Marston, L.T. and Vanags, C.P. and Xia, K. "Understanding Data Science Instruction in Multiple STEM Disciplines" (2021)

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In 2020

Earth Horizons: Addressing the Lack of Diversity in the Geosciences through a TSU-Vanderbilt Partnership (2020)

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Blackwell, Rodney and Bryant, Aniya and Daniels, Amaris and Lawson, Darrius and Morton, Nakana and Nelson, Shakarah and Kelley, Neil P and Vanags, Chris P and Oster, Jessica L and Claiborne, Lily L. "Earth, Environment and Human Interactions in Tennessee: Insights from a Multi-Institutional Field Course Experience" (2020)

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In 2018

A visual programming environment for introducing distributed computing to secondary education (2018)

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In 2017

A Visual Programming Environment for Learning Distributed Programming (2017)

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Broll, B. and Ledeczi, A. and Volgyesi, P. and Sallai, J. and Maroti, M. and Vanags, C. "Introducing parallel and distributed computing to K12" (2017)

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In 2014

Eeds, A. and Vanags, C. and Creamer, J. and Loveless, M. and Dixon, A. and Sperling, H. and McCombs, G. and Robinson, D. and Shepherd, V.L. "The school for science and math at vanderbilt: An innovative research-based program for high school students" (2014)

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In 2013

Vanags, C.P. and Vervoort, R.W. "Hydrological and water-use efficiency implications of geomorphological stratification in pal ochannels in the Northern Murray-Darling basin" (2013)

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In 2007

A geophysical and hydrological investigation of palaeochannels in northern New South Wales (2007)

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In 2005

How do Sandy Palaeochannels affect Shallow Groundwater Flow in a Clay-Dominated Vadose Zone under Flood Irrigation? (2005)

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Inverting Electromagnetic Data to Identify Soil Hydraulic Properties in Northern New South Wales, Australia (2005)

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In 2004

The dynamic penetrometer for assessment of soil mechanical resistance (2004)

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Schlossberg, M.J. and Vanags, C.P. and Miller, W.P. "Bermudagrass Sod Growth and Metal Uptake in Coal Combustion By-Product-Amended Media" (2004)

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Simulated hydrological behaviour of a shallow palaeochannel system under irrigation (2004)

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In 2002

A pedological study of soil genesis on Skidaway Island (2002)

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