Krista McCoy

Profile Picture of Krista McCoy
Associate Research Professor
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University


  • 1996 B.S. Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University, VA
  • 2000 M.S. Department of Biology, James Madison University, VA
  • 2007 Ph.D. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, FL.

Research Interests

Protective Proteins   Toxicant Exposure   Science Scope  

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List of Publications (44)
In 2021

AAAA *Indicates undergraduate coauthor, # indicates graduate student coauthor, +Indicates maiden name. 2021.

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2021 A. L. Rister, C. M. Amato, T. Nash, M. W. McCoy, M. Bereman, and K. A. McCoy. Toxicant Exposure during Pregnancy Increases Protective Proteins in the Dam and a Sexually Dimorphic Response in the Fetus. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology.

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In 2019

2019 J. Bojko, K. A. McCoy, D. C. Behringer, A. M. H. Blakeslee. A circular ssDNA virus (Microviridae: Gokushovirinae: Jodiemicrovirus) associated with the pathobiome of the flat-back mud crab, Eurypanopeus depressus. Microbiology Resource Announcements 8:e01026-19.

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2019 S. C. Parrish#, S. M. Dormio#, S. L. Richards, K. A. McCoy, M. W. McCoy. PPCP mixtures generate unpredictable outcomes across trophic levels and life stages. Ecosphere 10(12):e02970. 10.1002/ecs2.2970.

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In 2018

2018 \* C.M. Amato # , M. Boyd \* , J. Yang \* , and K.A.McCoy . 2018* C.M. Amato#, M. Boyd*, J. Yang*, and K.A.McCoy. Organizational effects of the antiandrogen, Vinclozolin, on penis development in the mouse. Biology of Reproduction 99, 639-649. 2018.

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2018 K.A. McCoy and A.L. Peralta. Pollutants Could Alter Amphibian Skin Microbiomes and Disease Outcomes. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, article number 748.

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2018 K.A. McCoy, M.W. McCoy, K. Callis-Duehl, D. Levey. What kind of person becomes a scientist? Science Scope. April/May.

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2018 K.A. McCoy. Mixing it up: To Find A Protective Therapy Against Endocrine Disruption EDC-NC, Raleigh, NC.

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2018 K.A. McCoy. Investigating a Preventative Therapy to Reduce Endocrine Disruption. DOHaD, Raleigh, NC.

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2018 Amato C.M. and K.A. McCoy. Early Vinclozolin exposure increase the severity of penile abnormalities. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology 2018, San Francisco, CA.

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In 2017

2017 K.A. McCoy, C.M. Amato#, Guillette L.J., St. Mary C.M. Giant toads (Rhinella marina) living in agricultural areas have altered spermatogenesis. Science of the Total Environment 609, 1230-1237.

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2017 K. A., McCoy, Blake B., and Tran T. Fetal Sex Hormone Exposure Programs Autism-Like Behavior in the Rat Model. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA.

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In 2016

2016 C.M. Amato#, and K.A. McCoy. A validated protocol to quantify severity of male urogenital feminization using the MOUSE (Mouse objective urethral severity evaluation). Pediatric Research 80, 880-885.

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2016 K.A., McCoy, A.M., Roark, A.S., Boggs, J.A., Bowden, L. Cruze, T.M., Edwards, H.J., Hamlin, T.M., Cantu, J.A., McCoy, N.A., McNabb, A.G., Wenzel, C.E., Williams, S., Kohno. Integrative and comparative reproductive biology: from alligators to xenobiotics. General and Comparative Endocrinology 238:23-31.

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2016 K. A., McCoy. Their effects are our effects. TEDmed ECU Live East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.

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In 2015

2015 B. E. Blake# and K. A. McCoy. Hormonal Programing of Rat Social Play Behavior: Standardized Techniques Will Aid Synthesis and Translation to Human Health. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 55:184-197.

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In 2013

2013 S. Mohammadi#, K. A. McCoy, D. A. Hutchinson, D. T. Gauthier, A. H. Savitzky. Independently evolved toad-eating snakes exhibit sexually dimorphic enlargement of adrenal glands. Journal of Zoology. 290 (4) 237-245.

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\* 2013 Zheng Z. , Pasch B. , Yang D \* , McCoy K.A. , and Cohn M.J. *2013 Zheng Z., Pasch B., Yang D*, McCoy K.A., and Cohn M.J. Decoupling sexually dimorphic development of the mouse external genitalia and brain in a single individual. Southeast Regional Meeting of the Society for Developmental Biology, Nashville, TN. 2013.

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In 2011

2011 \* L. B. Martin. , A. L. Liebl , J. H. Trotter \* , C. L. Richards , K. A. McCoy , and M. W. McCoy . 2011* L. B. Martin., A. L. Liebl, J. H. Trotter*, C. L. Richards, K. A. McCoy, and M. W. McCoy. Integrators: physiological determinants of individual phenotypic plasticity. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51(4): 514-527. 2011.

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2011 T. B. Hayes, ....K. A. McCoy, et al (authors in alphabetical order). Demasculinization and feminization of male gonads by atrazine: consistent effects across vertebrate classes. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 127(1-2):64-73.

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In 2010

2010 J. R. Rohr and K. A. McCoy Preserving environmental health and scientific credibility: A practical guide to conflicts of interest. Conservation Letters 3 (3): 143-150 on line

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2010 J. R. Rohr and K. A. McCoy. A Qualitative Meta-Analysis Reveals Consistent Effects of Atrazine on Freshwater Fish and Amphibians. Environmental Health Perspectives 118 (1): 20-32.

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In 2009

2009 K. A. McCoy and L. J.Guillette Jr. Endocrine Disruptors Chapter 9 in Volume 8 Amphibian Decline: Diseases, Parasites, Maladies, and Pollution. For the series Amphibian Biology. Editor Harold F. Heatwole.

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In 2008

2008 \* K. A. McCoy , L. J. Bortnick \* , C. M. Campbell \* , H. J. Hamlin , L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St. Mary . 2008* K. A. McCoy, L. J. Bortnick*, C. M. Campbell*, H. J. Hamlin, L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St. Mary. Agriculture alters gonadal form and function in Bufo marinus. Environmental Health Perspectives 116 (11): 1526-1532. 2008.

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2008* K.A. McCoy, Kim Hoang*, L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St. Mary. Renal abnormalities in Bufo marinus vary with human land-use. Science of the Total Environment 407 (2008): 348-357

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In 2007

2007 \* K. A. McCoy , M. W. McCoy , A. M. Amick \* , L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St. Mary . 2007* K. A. McCoy, M. W. McCoy, A. M. Amick*, L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St. Mary. Tradeoffs between somatic and gonadal investments during development in the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). Journal of Experimental Zoology 307(11): 637-646. 2007.

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2007 M. W. McCoy, K. A. McCoy and D. J. Levey. Teaching biodiversity to students in inner-city and under-resourced schools. American Biology Teacher 69(8): 473-781.

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2007 K. A. McCoy, L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St Mary. From chemical confusion to chemical castration: Endocrine disruption leads to a range of reproductive abnormalities in Bufo marinus living in agricultural areas of South Florida. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Phoenix, AZ.

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In 2006

2006 \* T. Edwards , K. A. McCoy , T. Barbeau , M. W. McCoy , J. M. Thro \* and L. J. Guillette Jr. . 2006* T. Edwards , K. A. McCoy, T. Barbeau, M. W. McCoy, J. M. Thro* and L. J. Guillette Jr. Environmental context determines nitrate toxicity in southern toad tadpoles (Bufo terrestris). Aquatic Toxicology 78: 50-58. (Dual first authors). 2006.

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\* 2006 K. A. McCoy , M. W. McCoy , A. M. Amick \* , L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St Mary . *2006 K. A. McCoy, M. W. McCoy, A. M. Amick*, L. J. Guillette Jr. and C. M. St Mary. Metamorphosis and reproductive growth and development. Associated Oral Session. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Orlando, FL. 2006.

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In 2005

2005 T. Knight, M. W. McCoy, J. Chase, K. A. McCoy and R. Holt. Trophic cascades across ecosystems. Nature 437: 880-883.

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2005 D. J. Levey, S. Brooks, K. A. McCoy and M. W. McCoy. Adding SPICE to Florida classrooms. Science Scope April.

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\* 2005 A. M. Amick \* and K. A. McCoy . *2005 A. M. Amick* and K. A. McCoy. Do plastic gonads exist? Joint meeting of American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists and Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Tampa, FL. 2005.

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\* 2005 K. A. McCoy and A. M. Amick \* . *2005 K. A. McCoy and A. M. Amick*. Gonadal plasticity induced by food quantity. University of Florida Graduate Student Symposium, Gainesville, FL. 2005.

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In 2003

2003 K. A. McCoy and R. N. Harris. Detection of sub-lethal stress by developmental stability analysis in the salamander, Ambystoma maculatum: an experimental evaluation and implications for conservation. Herpetologica 59(1): 22-36.

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2003 K. A. McCoy, T. Edwards and L. J. Guillette Jr. Effects of nitrate on the southern toad, Bufo terrestris. Joint meeting of American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists and Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Manaus, Brazil.

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In 2001

2001 K. A. McCoy and R. N. Harris. Developmental stability analysis as a tool in wildlife conservation. Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Gainesville, FL.

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In 2000

2000 K. A. McCoy and R. N. Harris. Amphibian conservation and developmental stability analyses. All Florida Herpetology Conference, Gainesville, FL.

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2000 K. A. McCoy and R. N. Harris. Developmental stability analysis and sublethal stress in the spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum. Society for Conservation Biology, Missoula, MT.

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2000 McCoy, K. and R. N. Harris. Efficacy of developmental stability analysis to detect sublethal stress in the spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum. Society for the Study of Reptiles and Amphibians, LaPaz, Mexico.

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In 1998

1998 K.A. Madaris+, R. Greenlee, D. Schwab and M. W. McCoy. Virginia's frog and toad monitoring protocol. Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. Richmond, Virginia.

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1998 K.A. Madaris+. Sounding out amphibian declines in Virginia. Virginia Coastal News. Summer/Fall.

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in press A. L. Mellinger, K. A. McCoy, D. A. T. Minior, and T. I. Williams. Discovery Proteomics of Human Placental Tissue. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.

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in press L.A. Jennings, A. M. H. Blakeslee, K. A. McCoy, D.C. Behringer, J. Bojko. Systematic assessment of the Panopeidae and broader Eubrachyura (Decapoda: Brachyura) using mitochondrial genomics. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny.

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