Friesem, Y., Greene, K., & Niedbala, M. A. (2016). The curriculum materials library as a hub of resources, literacy practices, and collaboration: Expanding the role of the library to support foster youth. The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults,7(1), 1-17. Retrieved from http://www.yalsa.ala.org/jrlya/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Friesem_The-Curriculum- Materials-Library.pdf Friesem, Y., Quaglia-Beltran, D., & Crane, E. (2014). Media Now: A historical review of a media literacy curriculum. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 6(2), 35-55. Special issue on media literacy history. https://doi.org/10.23860/JMLE-2016-06-02-4
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