Doohee Lee

Profile Picture of Doohee Lee
Management and Health Care Administration
Marshall University


  • The University of Texas School of Public Health

Research Interests

Public Health Management   Drug Dependence   Welfare Recipients  

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List of Publications (66)
In 2017

Lee D, Begley CE "Delays in Seeking Healthcare: Comparison of Veterans and the General Population" Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 23(2): 160-168, 2017.

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In 2016

Lee D, Sikula Sr. A, Lee T, Dodds A, Na Y. "Effect of Health Information Technology on Financial Performances" Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 39(3): 357-382, 2016.

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Lee D, Begley CE. "Physician Report of Industry Gifts and Quality of Care" Health Care Management Review, 41(3): 275-283, 2016.

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Lee D, Muslin I, McInerney M. "Racial Discrimination Among Home Health Care Providers" Journal of Health and Human Services Administration 38(4): 414-437, 2016.

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Lee D (2016). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "Perception and reality: Access to care paradigm on illict drugs" Boston, MA

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In 2015

Lee D, Rutsohn P. "Physician Perceived Medical Market Competition Associated with Barriers to Quality of Care: Evidence from a national cross-sectional survey of physicians in the USA," Health Services Management Research, 28(1-2): 24-33, 2015.

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Lee D, Begley CE (2015). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "Care delay among U.S. veterans and comparisons with the general population" Minneapolis, MN

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In 2014

Adkins A, Lee D, White W, Woody D. "Accuracy of Blood Loss Estimation Among Anesthesia Providers" Journal of American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), 82(4): 300-306, 2014.

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Lee D, Kwak WJ. "Interactive Effects of Consideration Leadership on the Association of Injury with Training among Home Health Aides" Leadership in Health Services, 27(1): 41-50, 2014.

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Lee D, Begley CE (2014). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "Factors Related to Physician Switching" San Diego, CA.

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In 2013

Lee D, Fiack K, Knapp M. "A Profile of Solo/Two-Physician Practice" Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 36(3): 297-322, 2013.

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Dyer BA, White Jr. WA, Lee D, Elkins L, Slayton DJ. "The Relationship between Arterial Carbon Dioxide Tension and End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Tension in Intubated Adults with Traumatic Brain Injuries" Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 36(3): 310-5, 2013.

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Vest D, Lee D, Newcome K, Stamper H. "A retrospective review of difficulty intubations: is obstructive sleep apnea a predictor?" Clinical Nurse Specialist: The International Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice 27(3): 128-131, 2013.

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Lee D, Emmett D. "Prescription Drug Request and Denial" International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 6(3): 200-214, 2012. 2013 Highly Commended Paper Award, Emerald Publisher.

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Lee D, Begley CE (2013). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "A profile of physician medical malpractice" Baltimore, MD.

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In 2012

Webb J, Lee D. "Medicare Home Infusion Therapy Reimbursement Gap" Home Health Care Services Quarterly 31(4): 302-16, 2012.

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Lee D, Rutsohn P. "Racial Differences in Physician Utilization of Information Technology" Perspectives in Health Information Management, 9(1): 1-11, Summer 2012.

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Coustasse A, Larry JJ, Lee D. "Can Kawasaki Disease be managed? The Permanente Journal, 16(2): 66-68, 2012.

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Lee D, Begley CE. "Physician Attitudes Towards Chronic Disease Management in the USA" Health Services Management Research, 25(2): 60-67, 2012.

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Fiack K, Knapp M, Lee D. "Competing Interests in Health Care: A conflict of quality. definition, background, and evidence (Part I)" Journal of Medical Practice Management, 28(May/June): 333-336, 2012.

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Fiack K, Knapp M, Lee D. "Competing interests in health care: A conflict of quality. regulations, transparency, and policy implications (Part II)" Journal of Medical Practice Management, 29(July/August): 13-17, 2012.

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Lee D. "The Role of Transformational Leadership Styles in the Home Health Care Industry" Home Health Care Management & Practice, 24(4): 169-174, 2012.

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Watkins J, Lee D, Whites Jr. B, Mundy S. "The Effects of Topical Lidocaine on Extubation Time Among Patients Undergoing Elective Carotid Endarterectomies" Journal of American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), 80(2): 99-104, 2012.

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Cayton J, Kennedy T, O'Dell B, Stine M, Lee D. "Current Market Trends of Cardiac Stents" Journal of Medical Marketing, 12(1):5-12, 2012.

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Lee D, Lee CS (2012). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "IT and Care Coordination" Orlando, FL.

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In 2011

Lee D, Coustasse A, Sikula, Sr. A. "Transformational Leadership Associated with Injury and Absenteeism: Analysis of a National Nursing Assistant Survey" Health Care Management Review, 36(4): 380-387, 2011.

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Lee D, Ross MW. "Management of Human Resources Associated with Misuse of Prescription Drugs: Analysis of a National Survey" Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 34(2): 182-205, 2011.

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Lee D, Begley CE. "Physician Switching After Drug Request Refusal" Health Marketing Quarterly, 28(4): 1-13, 2011.

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Webb J, Cullifer B, Lee D, "Market Trends of Injectable Drug Delivery Systems" Journal of Medical Marketing, 11(3): 237-243, 2011

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Toothman M, Moore K, Lee D "Unraveling Medicare and Medicaid Prescription Drug Fraud and Abuse" Compensation & Benefits Review, 43(6): 339-345, 2011.

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Lee D. (2011) The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "The Role of Transformational Leadership in Home Health Care" Seattle, WA.

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Lee D, Begley CE. (2011). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "Physician Attitudes Toward Disease Management" Seattle, WA.

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Lee D, Fiack K, Knapp M (2011). The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. "A Profile of Physician Entrepreneurs" Seattle, WA.

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Lee D, Sikula A. Sr., Sikula A, Brown C, Na Y. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Information Technology Competitive Advantage in Financial Performance: Analysis of a National Physician Survey. Seattle, WA (2011).

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In 2010

Lee D, Begley CE. "Racial Disparities in Response to Direct-to-Consumer Advertising (DTCA)" American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 67(14): 1185-1190, 2010.

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Lee D, Dixon C, Kruszynski P, Coustasse A. "Uncompensated Care and Quality Assurance Among Rural Hospitals" Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations, 20(2): 116-130, 2010.

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Lee D, Sikula, Sr. A. "Utilization of the Hospitalist Model and Physician Compensation: Insourcing Instead of Outsourcing Health Care" Journal of Health Care Finance. 36(4): 17-27, 2010.

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Lee D, Sikula A. Sr. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Utilization of Hospitalists: Insourcing Instead of Outsourcing Health Care," Boston, MA (2010).

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Lee D, Rutsohn PD. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Physician Services Market Competitions and Quality of Care: Findings from a National Survey," Boston, MA (2010).

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Lee D, Begley CE. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Physician Switching After Drug Request Refusal," Boston, MA (2010).

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Lee D, Begley CE. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Race/Ethnicity Disparities in Direct-To-Consumer Advertising: Findings from a National Survey," Boston, MA (2010).

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Lee D, Rutsohn PD. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Racial Differences in the Usage of Information Technology: Analysis of a National Physician Survey," Boston, MA (2010).

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Lee D, Coustasse A. The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, "Transformational Leadership and Workplace Performance," Boston, MA. (2010).

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Lee D, Dixon C, Kruszynski P, Coustasse A. "Effects of Uncompensated Care on Quality Assurance of Rural Hospitals" The Annual Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA) International Conference, Chicago, IL (2010).

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Coustasse A, Arvidson C, Larry J, Lee D, Migala W. "Management of Kawasaki Disease in Texas: Policy Implications" The Annual Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA) International Conference, Chicago, IL (2010).

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In 2008

Lee D. "The Urban Poor's Economic Profile of Tobacco Use." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 34(5): 626-33, 2008.

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Lee D, Turner N, Moon C, "Association Between Tobacco Use and Lifestyles in a Sample of Low-Income African Americans" Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 6(3/4): 155-166, 2008.

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In 2007

Lee D, Turner N, Burns J, Lee T. "Tobacco Use and Low-Income African Americans: Policy Implications" Addictive Behaviors, 32(2):332-41, 2007.

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Lee D. "Residential Mobility and Gateway Drug Uses Among Hispanic Adolescents in the U.S.: Evidence from a National Survey." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 33(6): 799-806, 2007.

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Lee D. "Access to illicit drugs: Policy implications from the 2003 National Survey" The International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 12th Annual International Meeting, Arlington, VA (2007).

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In 2006

Lee D. "Bidi Smoking among American Adults: Evidence from the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health" The 12th Annual Meeting of SRNT (2006), Orlando, FL.

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Lee D. "Prevention efforts among drug-using American adolescents" The 68th College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 2006 Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ (2006).

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Lee D. "The effects of workplace drug testing policy on the use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs" The AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (ARM), Seattle, WA (2006).

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In 2005

Lee D, Bell D, Moon C. "Religiosity, Tobacco Use, and Poverty." American Journal of Health Studies, 20(1): 13-19, 2005.

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In 2004

Lee D, Cutler BD, Burns J. "The Marketing and De-Marketing of Tobacco Products." Health Marketing Quarterly, 22(2): 51-68, 2004.

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In 2003

Lee D. "Tobacco, HIV, and sex among the urban poor in Georgia" The 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (2003) at Helsinki, Finland.

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Lee D, Turner NC. "Exposure to secondhand smoking among disadvantaged populations" The 12th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, Helsinki, Finland (2003).

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In 2002

Lee D, Turner NC. "Tobacco use and health status among low-income populations in Georgia" The 2002 National Conference on Tobacco and Health. San Francisco, CA.

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Lee D, Turner NC (2002). "Attitudes, lifestyles, and religions among tobacco users and non-tobacco users." The 2002 Eliminating Disparities through Tobacco Use Prevention Conference, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Atlanta, Georgia.

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Lee D, Bell D, Hinojosa M. "Drug Use, Travel, and HIV Risk." AIDS Care, 14 (4): 443-453, 2002.

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In 2001

Lee D, Turner NC (2001). "Tobacco use among indigent populations: findings from Columbus, Georgia." The National Conference on Tobacco or Health, New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Bell D, Lee D, Yang SJ, Heath V. "Relationships and Diseases among Drug Users and Nonusers." Journal of Urban Health, 78(2): 313-326, 2001.

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Atkinson J, Lee D, Dayton-Shotts C, French C. "Self-Perceived Job Skills and Employment Barriers Among Non-Drug Using and Chronic Drug Using Welfare-To-Work Participants." Journal of Drug Issues, 31(3): 747-756, 2001.

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In 2000

Montoya ID and Atkinson JS, Lee D (2000). "Characteristics of drug using welfare recipients: Implications for managed care." American Health Service Research (AHSR) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California.

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Atkinson JA, Lee D (2000). "Barriers to employment among female drug using welfare recipients." The 61st College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Annual Meeting, Acapulco, Mexico.

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Lee D, Ross MW, Mizwa M, Scott DP. "HIV Risks in a Homeless Population." International Journal of STD & AIDS, 11(8): 509-515, 2000.

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